We talk about the "operating system" for time freedom, and compare that to the "Apps". In the pursuit of time freedom, most people get attracted by an "app" (a real estate tactic; a stock market method; an affiliate marketing program; etc). However, if they've not built the underlying operating system first, then they won't be able to tell whether a particular "app" could be useful, let alone determine if it is even appropriate for their operating system.
We talk about where you spend your time and where your money comes from. Is your time spent working for a business? Is it spent working on a business? If you invest in a business, then other people do the work. However, if you find that you are working "on" that particular business, then it is not providing you time freedom....
We learn some background info on our host and how that early training played a role for him achieving time freedom at the age of 31.